So hey

This is sorta a hard hitting intro so apologies in advance

I've loved FF since about 7/8 years old when I first watched my uncles play Final Fantasy 8 (it wasn't until a few years on that I managed to get a hold of my first FF game (IX) ) So christ that's 20odd years.

But yeah the series helped me through a patch of bullying when I was young and it just so happens that i'm going through a spate of depression at the moment so i'm turning back to the series (my partner and I lost our first born at a month old just over a year ago, sadly I still haven't fully gotten over it despite the fact we have had a second child since). It's just a wonderful way to get away isn't it ^_^

Anyway's yeah I'm sat here listening to a piano album on amazon music of FF tracks, they are a delight.

But yeah, as I'm a bit of a loner and have no friends I thought I'd reach out online and see if there are people I can chat to, came across here so hey

Despite all that I'm generally a happy chappy so hopefully I'll stick around!